Donate To Us
May 04, 2012 - 17:33
Project Perfect Mod provides free site hosting, free tools, and mods for the community. However, the cost of keeping PPM online is not free. We have the following financial situation for 2024:

Expenses 2024:

January Server Cost: R$178,29 (€30 through Paypal converted by Nubank into R$170,81 + IOF taxes of R$7,48).
February Server Cost: R$178,62 (€30 through Paypal converted by Nubank into R$171,12 + IOF taxes of R$7,50).
March Server Cost: R$177,07 (€30 through Paypal converted by Nubank into R$169,64 + IOF taxes of R$7,43).
April Server Cost: €30 (Awaiting conversion to BRLs by Nubank)
May Server Cost: €30.
June Server Cost: €30.
July Server Cost: €30.
August Server Cost: €30.
September Server Cost: €30.
October Server Cost: €30.
November Server Cost: €30.
December Server Cost: €30.

Domain names (2025), (2025), (2025), (2025), (2027), (2028): Already Paid
{13/06/2024} Domain name (2024): $13,16 to renew it for one year.
{13/06/2024} Domain name (2024): $12,63 to renew it for one year.
{16/08/2024} Domain name (2024): $13,16 to renew it for one year.
{16/08/2024} Domain name (2024): $12,63 to renew it for one year.
{24/12/2024} Domain name (2024): $13,19 to renew it for one year.
{24/12/2024} Domain name (2024): $13,16 to renew it for one year.
{24/12/2024} Domain name (2024): $12,63 to renew it for one year.
{24/12/2024} Domain name (2024): $12,63 to renew it for one year.
{24/12/2024} Domain name (2024): $22,86 to renew it for one year.
{19/01/2025} Domain name (2025): $13,16 to renew it for one year.
{19/01/2025} Domain name (2025): $12,63 to renew it for one year.

Expected expenses: €360 + $151,84
Current expenses:  R$533,98 + €30 (Awaiting conversion to BRLs by Nubank)

Note: Expenses in bold were not paid yet.

Revenues 2024:

Graion Dilach's donation on 27/02/2024: R$654,60 (R$700,00 minus fees from Paypal)

Our PayPal account balance on 01/01/2024: R$251,96
Total revenues: R$654,60

Current balance:  R$372,58 (Paypal no longer stores € for Brazilian accounts) - €30 (Awaiting conversion to BRLs by Nubank)

* As requested by the donator

Note: By default, donors are listed as anonymous. If you have donated to us and you want your forum name to be listed instead of anonymous, reply to this topic (registered users only) or inform me (with PM, email, etc.).

If you are interested in contributing to keeping this place alive and you do not have a Brazilian bank account, use the button below to donate:

If you have a Brazilian bank account, it is better to donate using PIX, which is tax-free:

On April 5th, 2024:

1 BRL is about 0.20 US Dollars
1 BRL is about 0.18 Euros
1 BRL is about 0.16 UK Pounds

For other currency conversions, please ask Google. I.e., "1 brl to canadian dollar".

Registered users may discuss this topic at THIS location.